Explore a dreamy world full of sleepy animals... but keep a respectful distance from them! This project is meant to be played in VR and is configured to work for HTC Vive and Oculus, but I've uploaded WebGL, Windows, and Mac builds so it's more accessible. (I don't have a VR headset myself either.) The colors are a little funky in the WebGL version since it needed to use a different color space from the one I originally made the project in.

Project made for DESMA 172: Virtual Reality and Worldbuilding, taught by Jenna Caravello, in Winter 2024. Course website: https://classes.dma.ucla.edu/Winter24/172/.

Music by my dear friend and creative collaborator, Alvin Liu!

GitHub repository: https://github.com/rh5140/DMA-172.

Notes: There isn't really a start or end to the game, I think you just have to force quit it xd.

(I'm planning to keep working on this project in spring since I got really directed and specific feedback from my instructors and classmates... but we'll see if I follow through with that.)


VR Build (HTC Vive and Oculus) 40 MB
First Person Controller Windows Build 39 MB
First Person Controller Mac Build 48 MB

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